Foreign residence and Visa

We Can Grow Your Business

Optimize your tax strategy with our visa and residency expertise

Comprehensive guidance

Our team of experts provides comprehensive guidance to help you understand the complex visa and residency requirements in different countries, ensuring you meet all the necessary requirements to obtain a foreign residency and visa.

Tailored solutions

We provide customized solutions to meet your specific needs and requirements. We take into consideration your unique circumstances and provide you with personalized recommendations to ensure that you achieve your desired outcome.

Efficient and hassle-free process

We make the process of obtaining a foreign residency and visa as hassle-free and efficient as possible, handling all the paperwork and bureaucracy for you. This ensures that the process is completed quickly and smoothly, allowing you to focus on your business and personal priorities.


Open Doors to a World of Possibilities

Elite Consulting Club offers clients extensive industry expertise and knowledge on a range of topics, including relocating, tax optimization, business structuring, and market diversification.



Clients Satisfaction


Succesfull cases


Unlock New Opportunities

Let Us Guide You in Obtaining a Visa and Tax Residence
Personalized Consultation

Our team provides a personalized consultation to identify your specific requirements and recommend the most appropriate solutions for obtaining a visa and tax residence in the UAE.

Document Preparation and Submission

We handle all document preparation and submission, ensuring accuracy and completeness of paperwork to avoid any delays or rejections.

Comprehensive Visa Assistance

We offer comprehensive assistance in obtaining all types of visas, including work permits, investor visas, and residency visas, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free process.

Fast Turnaround Time

We prioritize efficiency and ensure a fast turnaround time for all our consultancy services, minimizing any disruption to your business or personal plans.

Expert Tax Advisory

Our tax experts provide comprehensive advice and guidance on optimizing your tax position, structuring your business, and minimizing tax liabilities, in compliance with UAE regulations.

Continuous Support

Our team provides continuous support throughout the process, ensuring that you are fully informed and updated on the status of your application.


Succesfull consultations

A personalized consultation to identify specific requirements and recommend the most appropriate solutions



The UAE does not levy income tax on individuals. However, it levies corporate tax on oil companies and foreign banks.


Completed proccess

Visa and Tax Residence Consultancy


Happy Customers


Projects Done


Clients Satisfied
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Get your personalized consultation

Looking to optimize your foreign residence and visa, while also taking advantage of tax optimization opportunities? Our fast consultation service is here to help. Our team of experts can provide tailored advice and guidance to help you achieve your goals, all in a quick and efficient manner. Contact us today to learn more.
For More Information
The line is open 24/7, 365 days a year
Basic Call

499Next availability 25 days

Basic 30 min
  • General questions
  • Ongoing process support
  • Business consulting
  • Confidentialy
  • Basic TAX consulting
Platinum Call


Platinum 1 hour
  • All basic call features
  • Personalized Bussiness support
  • Personalized Bussiness consulting
  • TAX planning tailormade
  • Confidentialy
  • Price included if you decide to open a company with us
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Hai bisogno di più informazioni?
Buongiorno ☺️
Grazie per aver contattato Elite Consulting Club, la cui attività è focalizzata sul trasferimento a livello personale e societario dall’Italia a Dubai.
Il nostro servizio prevede un'assistenza completa durante tutte le fasi del processo, che va dall'apertura della società sino all'ottenimento del visto e della residenza fiscale. Quest'ultima, in particolare, ti consentirà di godere di un regime fiscale agevolato con tassazione 0%.
Ma entriamo più nello specifico: In che modo possiamo esserti d'aiuto?